
East Cheshire ABC offers amateur boxing (Olympic rules) and fitness to all ages and skill levels throughout the local area. The gym is on Eaton St. in Crewe. 

Boxing training is increasingly popular and not just for boxers. Learning how to box doesn’t require you having to deal with being punched hard in the face when sparring. That aspect is typically reserved for those who plan to box competitively. There are many benefits you can achieve without sparring. Developing a lean strong body while improving your mental health, as your self esteem and confidence grows are just a couple.

Traditional Boxing Classes

Fast and furious. Boxing packs more than just a punch, it offers you one of the most intensive and effective workouts whilst giving you the choice to train for competitions, or simply to get that super-toned fit body whilst learning self-defense. Punching styles, footwork fundamentals and long & short-range fight coaching will have you going toe-to-toe with any opponent in no time.

Keeping Fit with discipline

We are all one big family.

Class Timetable


Boxing training is great for anger management as it provides a safe environment for you to take out your anger and frustration on inanimate things like punching bags. Bottling up negative emotions can adversely affect your health. 

Finding an activity like boxing that allows you to release all your negative emotions productively benefits you. It can assist in lowering your overall stress levels. You also get a release of feel-good hormones like serotonin – after training, elevating your mood as you leave the gym tired, which can help to improve overall sleep quality, so also helping to reduce stress. 


Boxing is an effective way to improve your cardiovascular health. Boxing requires you to move around a lot as you train, throwing punches, moving across the ring, all forcing your heart to work harder to supply these areas with oxygen and blood. Try throwing punches non-stop for 60 seconds and see how much it raises your heart rate. 

Doctors recommend getting at least 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise at least five days per week. Learning how to box gives you a lot more than 20 minutes of cardio each training session. Training will noticeably improve your cardiovascular endurance, protecting you against health issues like heart attacks, high blood pressure, and strokes. 


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